23 May 2013

She & Him - I Could've Been Your Girl (video)

Tässä teille She & Himin uusi video biisiin  I Could've Been Your Girl.

Here's a lovely new video from She & Him for the song "I Could've Been Your Girl".

18 May 2013

Astrid Swan - In My Own House

Huh. Jos jostain biisistä löytyy tunnelmaa, niin tästä. Kylmiä väreitä. Kiitos, Astrid Swan!


Whoah. If a song is full of feeling, then this is one of those songs. Shivers down my spine. Thank you, Astrid Swan!

Photo from the Soliti Road Show that took place at Tavastia last January.

14 May 2013

Bart Constant - Do Better

Ah-niin-ihanasta Amsterdamista ponnistava Bart Constant hivelee kuuloelimiä kepeillä melodioillaan. Debyyttilevyltä löytyy reippaampaakin poljentoa, mutta tänään tätä.

Bart Constant from the lovely Amsterdam makes my ears cry of joy. His debut album includes also a bit perkier moods, but today I feel like listening to this song.

13 May 2013

The National - Sea of Love

Vielä muutama päivä The Nationalin uuden albumin julkaisuun! Odotellessa voi kuunnella vaikka levyltä irrotettua biisiä nimeltä Sea of Love. Uppoaa ainakin minuun.

Still a few more days until the release of The National's new album. While waiting one can for example listen to "Sea of Love" from the upcoming album. Love it.

5 May 2013

She & Him - I Could've Been Your Girl

She & Himin kolmas albumi, Volume 3, julkaistaan huomenna. Albumia on kuitenkin voinut jo kuunnella ennakkoon täällä. Olen luukuttanut sitä viikonlopun aikana tehokkaasti ja hoilannut I Could've Been Your Girl -biisin tahtiin niin, että naapurit ovat varmasti jo hermostuneet..

She & Him's thrid album, "Volume 3" will be released tomorrow but you can already listen to the whole album (or individual tracks from it) here. I've been listening to it countless times this weekend and singing to "I Could've Been Your Girl" so much that my neighbors are surely annoyed..